Connecting Cultures

Connecting Cultures er samstarfsverkefni sex skóla frá Grikklandi, Pollandi, Portúgal, Ungverjalandi, Þýskalandi og Íslandi.

Viðfangsefni verkefnisins er fjarkennsla og ætlar hver skóli að bjóða nemendum hinna skóla upp á stutt námskeið í gegnum fjarkennsluumhverfi. Öll vinnan fer fram í gegnum kennsluumhverfið WebCT og er Fjölbrautaskólinn við Ármúla stýriskóli verkefnisins.

Eftirfarandi kennarar taka þátt í verkefninu:

Guðrún I. Stefánsdóttir, Hannes Í. Ólafsson, Helmut Hinrichsen, Steinunn Hafstað, Sæþór Ólafsson, Úlfar Snær Arnarson og Þorsteinn Barðason.


The demand for distance education and eLearning is increasing in higher education as well as in lifelong learning. Distance learning makes it possible for students to choose their studies independent from place and time, increasing the students’ motivation and helping to improve the completion rate.

The project aims at developing the use of digital learning environments in distance learning to connect cultures. Learning modules will be designed with the objective to take care of individual needs and tasks of the student, enhance self discipline and organize themselves in a digital learning environment.

In the first year participating teachers get to know the learning environment from a student’s point of view and learn how to use the tools of the learning environment as teachers. Discussion groups will be established on the pedagogy in distance learning. Courses on cultural identity, history, geography and environmental studies will be developed and presented by each school.

In the second year the courses will be offered to students of the participating partner schools via the digital learning environment. The courses will be integrated in the curriculum of the participating schools. Digital learning makes learning independent from place and time, more attractive and strengthens intercultural education.