Mynddiskar og myndbönd

Síðast uppfært 24. maí 2024


Nemendur athugið að myndbönd og -diskar eru aðeins til notkunar á bókasafninu












14 Kilómetros (DVD). - [S.l.] Wanda Visions, 2007

Born into Brothels (DVD). - [S.l.] : ThinkFilm : Red Light Film, 2004

Búskmenn í Kalaharí (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgst., [s.a.]

The Bystander Moment : Transforming Rape Culture at its Roots (DVD). -
Northampton, MA : Media Education Foundation, 2018

Eldfjall (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zik Zak kvikmyndir, Fine & Mellow, 2012

Ég er arabi : heimildamynd um andstöðu Íslendinga gegn stríðinu í Írak (VHS). - Reykjavík : Ergis kvikmyndaframleiðsla, 2003

Hrein og bein : sögur úr íslensku samfélagi (DVD). - Reykjavík : Krummafilms í samvinnu við Samtökin 78, 2003

Inn við beinið erum við öll eins (glærur). - Reykjavík : Ísland Panorama, 2007

The Longest Hatred (DVD). - [S.l.] : Thames Television, 1991, c2004

The Magdalene Sisters (DVD). - [S.l.] : Scottish Screen : The Film Council : The Irish Film Board, 2002

Miss Representation (DVD). - New York : Virgil Films, 2012

Norrænn DVD-diskur um lestrar- og ritstuðning í atvinnulífinu (DVD). - [S.l.] : NAV Nonite Nordnorsk IKT-senter, 2006

Once Were Warriors (DVD). - [S.l.] : Communicado Film, 1994

Ómur af söng : heimildamynd um dvalarheimili aldraðra (DVD) - Reykjavík : Kvikmynd, 2005

Promises (um samskipti barna í Palestínu og Ísrael) (DVD). - [S.l.] : The Promises Film Project, c2004

Ríkisútvarpið sjónvarp : opnun sjónvarpsins (VHS). - [S.l.] : Sjónvarpið, 1966

Soul Searching (Evrópusamstarf MK) (VHS). - Kópavogi : MK, 1997

Stúlkurnar á Kleppjárnsreykjum : lauslæti og landráð (DVD). - Reykjavík : IRI, 2016

Svipmyndir frá Afríku (DVD). - Reykjavík : Samvinnustofnun Íslands, 2000

Svona fólk (Rafrænt Gagn). - Reykjavík : Krummafilms, 2019 

Syndir feðranna (DVD). - Reykjavík : Köggull, 2007

Tákn vonar : staða heyrnarlausra í Namibíu (DVD). - Reykjavík : Þróunarsamvinnustofnun Íslands, 2008

Whale Rider (DVD). - [S.l.] : South Pacific Pictures, 2002

Women : the Forgotten Face of War (DVD). - [S.l.] : Bless Bless Production, c2002

Þeir fiska sem róa : fjölskyldusaga frá Malaví (DVD). - Reykjavík : ÞSSÍ, 2007



Acland's DVD Atlas of Human Anatomy 1-6 (DVD). - [S.l.] : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2004

Anatomy for Beginners (DVD). - [S.l.] : Firefly Film, 2005

Away From Her (DVD). - [Hafnarfjörður : Myndform], 2007

Böðun sjúkra og frágangur á skolherbergi (DVD og VHS). - Reykjavík : Fjölbrautaskólinn við Ármúla, Heilbrigðisskólinn, 1998

Börn náttúrunnar (DVD). - Reykjavík : Íslenska kvikmyndasamsteypan, 1991

Cracking the Code of Life (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nova, c2004

Endurlífgun : aðgerðir í neyðartilvikum (VHS). - Itasca, IL: National Safety Council, c2001

Flogaveiki út úr skugganum (DVD). - [S.l.] : Lauf, 2007

Fræðslumyndband um kynsjúkdóma (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun, 2000

Det gamle apotekshåndværk (VHS). - København : Bevarelse af Gammelt Dansk Apoteksinventar, 1993

Ginklofinn (í Vestmannaeyjum og á St. Kilda) (DVD). - Reykjavík : Kvik, 2006

Hugarhvarf : lífið heldur áfram með heilabilun (DVD). - Reykjavík : Rannsóknastofa LSH í öldrunarfræði, 2006

The Human Body (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, 1989

Hvað getum við gert? : forvarnir (VHS). - Reykjavík : Fræðslumiðstöð í fíknivörnum, 1997

Hver lífsins þraut - Að lifa með Alzheimer (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1998

Hver lífsins þraut - Augnsjúkdómar (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1998

Hver lífsins þraut - Áfengissýki (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1999

Hver lífsins þraut - Bílslys (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1996

Hver lífsins þraut - Einhverfa (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1998

Hver lífsins þraut - Erfðafræði (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1998

Hver lífsins þraut - Flogaveiki (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1998

Hver lífsins þraut - Geðklofi (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1998

Hver lífsins þraut - Geðsjúkdómar (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1998

Hver lífsins þraut - Gigt (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1996

Hver lífsins þraut - Heilablóðfall (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1996

Hver lífsins þraut - Hjartað (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1996

Hver lífsins þraut - Krabbamein karlmannsins (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1996

Hver lífsins þraut - Langlífi (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1999

Hver lífsins þraut - Líffæraflutningar (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1996

Hver lífsins þraut - Lyf (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1996

Hver lífsins þraut - MS sjúkdómurinn (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1999

Hver lífsins þraut - Psoriasis (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1998

Hver lífsins þraut - Slitgigt (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1998

Hver lífsins þraut - Sykursýki (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1996

Hvert örstutt spor : heimildamynd um mænuskaða (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sagafilm, 2005

In the Womb Collection 1-2 (DVD). - Washington DC : National Geographic, 2009

Inside the Human Body (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, 2011

Iris (DVD). - [S.l.] : Buena Vista Home Entertainment, [s.a.]

The Iron Lady (DVD). - [Hafnarfjörður] : Myndform, 2012

Krabbamein í blöðruhálskirtli
(DVD). - Reykjavík : Krabbameinsfélagið, c2003

Kynlíf : forfallakennarinn (DVD). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun, 2006

Langvinn lungnateppa (VHS). - Samtök lungnasjúklinga, 2004

Líf og líkn (DVD). - Reykjavík : Lífið, 2008

Lystin að lifa (DVD). - Reykjavík : Bergsól, 2007

Mamma Gógó (DVD). - [S.l.] : Bavaria Film International, 2010

Meltingarfærin (VHS). - [S.l.] : Coronet, 1980

Mígreni : meira en höfuðverkur (VHS). - Reykjavík : Mígrensamtökin, 1996

Munnhirða fólks með sérþarfir (DVD). - Reykjavík : Heilsugæslan : Lýðheilsustöð, 2008

The Notebook (DVD). - [Hafnarfjörður] : Myndform, 2005

Ómur af söng : heimildamynd um dvalarheimili aldraðra (DVD). - Reykjavík : Kvikmynd, 2005

Ónæmissjúkdómar (VHS). - Reykjavík : Ríkisspítalar, 1992

Skyndihjálp : aðgerðir í neyðartilvikum (VHS). - Itasca, IL: National Safety Council, c2001

Skyndihjálp og endurlífgun : kennsluglærur og kynningarmyndbönd (CD-ROM). - Reykjavík : RKÍ, 2007

Still Alice (DVD). - Hafnarfjörður : Myndform, 2015

Taugakerfið (VHS). - [S.l.] : Coronet ; dreifing Námsgagnastofnun, 1980

Umönnun látinna og aðhlynning aðstandenda (DVD). - Reykjavík: FÁ, 2000 


Bikardraumar : saga bikarkeppninnar í knattspyrnu í hálfa öld (DVD). - Reykjavík :
Knattspyrnusamband Íslands, 2009.

Gott silfur gulli betra (DVD). - [Reykjavik] : Hvíta fjallið, 2009

Íslenskar afrekskonur (VHS). - Reykjavík : Íþróttadeild Sjónvarpsins, 1998.

Þetta er ekkert mál : heimildamynd um Jón Pál Sigmarsson. (DVD). - Reykjavík : Goðsögn, 2006



Africa : eye to eye with the unknown (DVD) / narrated by David Attenborough. - Hafnarf. : Myndform, 2014

Africa : South of the Sahara (VHS). - [S.l.] : NCSU Humanities Extension, c2000

Dimmuborgir(VHS). - Reykjavík : Langræðsla ríkisins, 1993

Earth : The Power of the Planet (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, 2008

Earth from above (DVD). - [S.l.] : Montparnasse Productions, c 2006

The Expolorers = Könnuðir (VHS). - Washington DC : National Geographic Society, 1988

Galapágos (DVD). - Briston : BBC, 2006

Gamla brýnið : um hlunnindabúskap í Ófeigsfirði (DVD). - Reykjavík : Seylan, 2003

Haukadalur og Haukadalsheiði (VHS). - Reykjavík : Landgræðsla ríkisins, 1993

Michael Palin´s Hemingway Adventure (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC Worldwide, 2004

O´Kung : Bushmen of Kalahari = Búskmenn í Kalaharí (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgst., [án árs]

Snjóvorið langa : um byggðina í Jökuldalsheiði og hálendið norðaustan Vatnajökuls (DVD). - Reykjavík : Seylan, 1998

Supervolcano (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC ; Discovery Channel, 2004

Surtsey : eyjan svarta (DVD). - Reykjavík : Seylan, [s.a.]

Tákn vonar : staða heyrnarlausra í Namibíu (DVD). - Reykjavík : Þróunarsamvinnustofnun Íslands, 2008

Tyrkland : ein jörð (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun, 2001

Þeir fiska sem róa : fjölskyldusaga frá Malaví (DVD). - Reykjavík : ÞSSÍ, 2007

Þjórsárdalur, Sogið og fráfærur (VHS). - Reykjavík : VOK film, [s.a.]

Öræfakyrrð (DVD). - Reykjavík : Kvik, 2004


Aldaslóð 1-2 : leiftur úr listasögu (VHS). - Reykjavík : RÚV-Sjónvarp, 1987

Civilisation (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, c2010, 1969

Erró : norður - suður - austur - vestur (VHS). - Reykjavík : Ergis ; Íslenska kvikmyndasamsteypan, 2000

Ég veit að það má ekki en það gera það allir (DVD). - Reykjavík : Myndstef, 2007

Kjarval (DVD). - Reykjavík : Kvik, 2004

Konan í list Ásmundar Sveinssonar (VHS). - [Reykjavík] : Ásmundarsafn, 1986

Lithvörf : viðtök við íslenska listamenn (DVD). - Reykjavík : Græna gáttin, 2009

Meistari Kjarval (VHS). - Reykjavík : Kjarvalsstaðir, 1985

Möhöguleikar : Sigurður Guðmundsson (VHS). - Reykjavík : Ergis í samvinnu við íslensku kvikmyndasamsteypuna, 2002



Africa : eye to eye with the unknown (DVD) / narrated by David Attenborough. - Hafnarf. : Myndform, 2014

Attenborough in Paradise (DVD). - Bristol : BBC, c2005

Aurora Borealis : the magnificient lights of the Northern sky (DVD). - [S.l.] : Aurora Experience, 2005

Á meðan land byggist : virkjanir og þjóðgarðar (DVD). - [S.l.] : Hugmyndaflug, 2003

Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life (DVD). - Bristol : BBC, 2009

The Complete Walking With ... Collection (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, c2002

Cosmos (Carl Sagan) (DVD). - Studio City : Cosmos Studios, c2000

Cracking the Code of Life (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nova, c2004

Dimmuborgir : kynjaheimur við Mývatn (VHS). - Reykjavík : Landgræðslan, 1993

Earth : The Biography (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC for National Geographic Channel, 2008

Earth : The Power of the Planet (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, 2008

Einstein Revealed (DVD). - Boston : WGBH Educational Foundation, c1996, 2004

Einstein's Big Idea (DVD). - Boston : WGBH Educational Foundation, 2004

Eldeyjan (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun, 1973

Eldur í Heklu 1947-8 ; Eldur í Öskju 1961 ; Heklugosið 1970 (VHS). - Reykjavík :VOK-film, [s.a.]

The Elegant Universe (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nova, c2003

Erfðafræði (myndefni úr bók Örnólfs Thorlaciusar á CD). - Reykjavík : Iðnú, 2003

Eyes on the Skies (DVD). - [S.l.] : IAU, 2009

Eyjafjallajökull (DVD). - Reykjavík : Bergvík, 2011

Faces of Earth (DVD). - [S.l.] : Science Channel, 2007

The First Eden : the Mediterranean World (David Attenborough) (DVD). - Bristol : BBC, 2007

Flóra Íslands 1-3 (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun, 1997

Frumbygginn : refurinn og ríki hans (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun, 1989

Frumeind (DVD). - Reykjavík : Námsgst., 2006

Fræðslumynd um kynsjúkdóma (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgst., 2000.

Fuglabjörg : sjófuglar á Íslandi (DVD). - [S.l.] : Emmson Film, c2005

Galapágos (DVD). - Bristol : BBC, 2006

Gerð sólar (DVD). - Reykjavík : Námsgst., 2006

Global Warming (DVD). - [S.l.] : South Carolina Educational Television, 2005

Gróður Íslands (VHS). - Reykjavík : Myndbær, [1995]

Hagamús : með lífið í lúkunum (DVD). - Reykjavík : Bergvík, c2003

Haukadalur og Haukadalsheiði í Biskupstungum (VHS). - Reykjavík : Landgræðslan, 1993

Hinn helgi örn (DVD). - [S.l.] : Emmson Film, 2005

Hrafninn flýgur um aftaninn (DVD). - Reykjavík : Kvik, 2006

Hvalakyn og hvalveiðar við Ísland (DVD). - Reykjavík : Hrif, 1987

Hver lífsins þraut : erfðafræði (VHS). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, 1998

Hvert fara þeir? : fuglamerkingar í 100 ár (DVD). - [S.l.] : Emmson Film, 2001

Iceland after 17 million years (DVD). - Reykjavík : Bergvík, 2000

An Inconvenient Truth (DVD). - [S.l.] : Paramount Classics, Participant Productions, c2006

Í skugga Vesúvíusar = In the Shadow of Vesuvius (VHS). - Washington D.C. : National Geographic Society ; WQED, 1987

Íslenski fjárhundurinn (DVD). - Reykjavík : Kvik, 2001

Jarðmyndanir í Elliðaárdal (DVD). - Reykjavík : Kvik, 2003

Journey of Life (DVD). - Briston : BBC, 2005

Könnuðir = The Explorers (VHS). - Washington D.C. : National Geographic Society ; WQED, 1988

Life (David Attenborough) (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, c2010

Life in Cold Blood (David Attenborough) (DVD). - Bristol : BBC, c2008

Life in the Freezer (David Attenborough) (DVD). - Bristol : BBC, 1978, c2005

Life in the Undergrowth (David Attenborough) (DVD). - Bristol : BBC , 1978, c2005

Life of Birds (David Attenborough) (DVD). - Bristol : BBC : 1998, c2005

Life of Mammals (David Attenborough) (DVD). - Bristol : BBC : 2002, c2005

Life of Plants (David Attenborough) (DVD). - Bristol : BBC : 1995, c2005

Life on Earth (David Attenborough) (DVD). - Bristol : BBC : 1984, c2005

Life Story (David Attenborough) (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC Earth, 2014

The Living Planet (David Attenborough) (DVD). - Bristol : BBC : 1978, c2005

Lífeðlisfræði (myndefni úr bók Örnólfs Thorlaciusar á CD). - Reykjavík : Iðnú, 2002

Líffræði (myndefni úr bók Örnólfs Thorlaciusar á CD). - Reykjavík : Iðnú, 2001

Lost Worlds - Vanished Lives (David Attenborough) (DVD). - Bristol : BBC : 1978, c2005

Lotukerfið (DVD). - Reykjavík : Námsgst., 2006

Miklihvellur (DVD). - Reykjavík : Námsgst., 2006

Minkur í náttúru Íslands (DVD). - Reykjavík : Bergvík, 2003

The Natural World : living in extremes (DVD). - [S.l.] : Discovery Channel, 1998, c2005

Nature's Fury (DVD). - [S.l.] : Discovery Communications, c1998

Náttúra Íslands : friðlýst svæði og náttúruminjar 6. - [S.l.] : Emmson Film, 1997

Le Peuple Migrateur = Farfuglarnir [DVD]. - [S.l.] : Galatée Films, 2002

Physics, part 2. - [S.l.] : Cerebellum Corporation, c2000

Physics Power. - [S.l.] : Cerebellum Corporation, c2001

Planet Earth = Plánetan Jörð (DVD). - Bristol : BBC, 2006

Planet Earth 2 (David Attenborough). - [S.l.] : BBC Earth 2016

The Planets (DVD). - Bristol : BBC 2007

Polynomials. - Pasadena : California institute of Technology, c1991

Similarity. - Pasadena : California Institute of Technology, c1990

Sines and Cosines 1-3. - Pasadena : California Institute of Technology, c1992-1994

Sjórinn og sjávarbúar : hafrannsóknir við Ísland (VHS). - Reykjavík : Hafrannsóknastofnunin, 1999

The Story of Pi (VHS). - Pasadena : California Institute of Technology, c1989

Supervolcano (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC ; Discovery Channel, 2004

Surtur fer sunnan (eftir Ósvald Knudsen) (VHS). - Reykjavík : VOK-film, [s.a.]

Surtsey : eyjan svarta (DVD). - Reykjavík : Seylan, [s.a.]

Surtsey 30 ára (DVD). - Reykjavík : Kvik, 1993

The Theorem of Pythagoras (VHS). - Pasadena : California institute of Technology, c1988

The Theory of Everything (um Stephen Hawking) (DVD). - Hafnarf. : Myndform, 2015

Trials of Life : a natural history of behaviour (David Attenborough) (DVD). - Bristol : BBC : 1990, c2005

Ultimate Space Collection (DVD). - [S.l.] : Discovery Channel, c2006

The Universe : Collector's Set (DVD). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Networks ; The History Channel, 2009

Walking with cavemen : eye-to-eye with your ancestors (DVD). - [London] : BBC Worldwide, 2003 

Þar er ei nema eldur og ís. : eldsumbrot í Vatnajökli 1996
(VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun, c1997

Þjórsárdalur ; Sogið ; Fráfærur (eftir Ósvald Knudsen) (VHS). - Reykjavík : VOK film, [s.a.]

Þroskunarlíffræði = Developmental Biology (VHS). - [S.l.] : Coronet, c1982

Þróunarlíffræði = Evolutionary Biology (VHS). - [S.l.] : Coronet, c1981



1492 : Conquest of Paradise (DVD). - [S.l.] : Percy Main, c1992

1864 (DVD). - Oslo : Miso Film, 2014

18. öldin með Pétri Gunnarssyni (DVD). - Reykjavík : Reykjavík films, 2012

1968 : The Year That Everything Changed
(DVD). - [S.l.] : History Channel, c2007

Að byggja land (VHS). - Reykjavík : Háskólaútg., 1998.

Af síldinni öll erum orðin rík á Ingólfsfirði og Djúpavík (DVD). - Reykjavík : Seylan, 1988

Africa : South of the Sahara (VHS). - [S.l.] : NCSU Humanities Extension, c2000

Aldaslóð 1-2 : leiftur úr listasögu (VHS). - Reykjavík : RÚV-Sjónvarp, 1987

Alexander og Hellenisminn (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun : Coronet, [198-?]

Alþingi : löggjafinn að störfum (VHS). - Reykjavík : Alþingi, 1995

Ancient Rome (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, 2006

Ancient Worlds (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, 2010

Anne Frank (DVD). - [S.l.] : Touchstone Television, 2001

Armadillo (DVD). - [S.l.] : Fridthjof Film, 2010

The Armenian Genocide = Le Génocide Arménien (DVD). - [S.l.] : Arte France : Le Cie des Phares et Balises, 2005

Ashkenaz : the music of the Jews from Eastern Europe (DVD). - [S.l.] : Ergo Media, 1993

Átök við aldahvörf : tuttugasta öldin 1927-1940 (VHS). - Reykjavík : Alvís, 1998

Ben Hur (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM, 1959

The Berlin Wall (DVD). - [S.l.] : A&E Televistion Networks, c2003

Blood Diamond (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros., c2006

Bloody Sunday (DVD). - [S.l.] : Granada, 2001

Born on The Fourth of July [DVD]. - [S.l.] : Universal, 1989

The Bridge on the River Kwai (VHS). - [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 1957

The Buddhist World (VHS). - [S.l.] : Coronet : dreifing Námsgagnastofnun, 1968

Civilisation (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, c2010, 1969

Cromwell (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia, 1970, c2003

The Crusades : Crescent & The Cross (DVD). - [S.l.] : A&E Television : History Channel, 1997, c2005

Den danske brigade (VHS). - København : Nordisk Film : Folk og værn, [s.a.]

Decoding the Past : Secrets of the Koran (DVD) - [S.l.] : History Channel : A&E Television, c2006

Diarios de motocicleta = The Motorcycle Diaries (DVD). - [S.l.] : FilmFour, c2004

Downfall = Der Untergang (DVD). - [S.l.] : Constantin Film, 2004

El Che : investigating a legend (DVD). - [S.l.] : Cinétéve Igeldo Komunikazion, 1997

Eleanor Roosevelt (DVD). - [S.l.] : American Experience ; PBS, c2000

Elizabeth (DVD). - [S.l.] : Polygram, 1998

Elizabeth I (DVD). - [S.l.] : Company Pictures, Channel 4, 2005

Empire of the Sun (DVD og VHS). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros, 1987

Endurreisnin & almúginn (DVD). - Reykjavík : Seylan, 2000

The Execution of Jesus (DVD). - [S.l.] : History Channel : A&E Television, c1994

Ég er arabi : heimildamynd um andstöðu Íslendinga gegn stríðinu í Írak (VHS). - Reykjavík : Ergis kvikmyndaframleiðsla, 2003

Ég lifi ... : Vestmannaeyjagosið 1973 (DVD). - Reykjavík : Storm : Stöð 2, 2004

FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) (DVD). - [S.l.] : American Experience ; PBS, c2006

Flags of Our Fathers (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros Pictures : Dreamworks Pictures, 2004

Freedom Riders (DVD). - [S.l.] : American Experience, 2011

French Revolution (DVD). - [S.l.] : History Channel : A&E Relevision, c2005

Gandhi (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia Tristar, 1982

Ginklofinn (í Vestmannaeyjum og á St. Kilda) (DVD). - Reykjavík : Kvik, 2006

Gladiator (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, c2000, c2004

Good Bye Lenin! (DVD). - [S.l.] : Bavaria Film International, 2003

The Gospel of Judas (DVD). - Washington D.C. : National Geographic, 2006

The Great Dictator [DVD]. - [S.l.] : Charles Chaplin Film Corporation, 1940

The Great Escape (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM, 1963

Great Moments of the 20th Century = Helstu atburðir 20. aldar (DVD) 3 mynddiskar. - [S.l.] : Associated Television International, c1999

Guevara, Ernesto Che : The True Story of (DVD). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Network, c2006

Haftabúskapur og kalt stríð : tuttugasta öldin 1949-1959 (VHS). - Reykjavík : Alvís, 2001

Hernámsárin (stytt útg.) (VHS). - Reykjavík : Borg-film : Námsgagnastofnun, 1969/1990

The Hindu world (VHS). - [S.l.] : Coronet : dreifing Námsgagnastofnun, 1968

Hotel Rwanda (DVD). - [S.l.] : Lions Gate Films ; United Artists, c2004

Hvalakyn og hvalveiðar við Ísland (DVD). - Reykjavík : Hrif, 1987

Inside Islam (DVD). - [S.l.] : History Channel : A&E Television, c2002

Islam (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun, 2003

Islam : Epire of Faith (DVD). - [S.l.] : Gardner Films, c2000

Í vesturvíking = Ísland Exodux : the story of early Icelandic emigration to the Americas (DVD). - [S.l.] : Tefra Films, 1999

Jerusalem Within These Walls (VHS). - Washington, D.C. : The National Geographic Society, c1986

Jesus Christ Superstar (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 1973

Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth (DVD). - [S.l.] : Apostrophe S Productions, c2005

Jón Sigurðsson : maður og foringi (VHS). - Reykjavík : Saga Film, 1994

Julius Caesar's Rome 1-2 (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC : A&E Television, 1997, c2005

The Kennedys (DVD). - Boston : WGBH, c2009

Konsúll Thomsen keypti bíl (DVD). - Reykjavík : Seylan, 1992

The Last King of Scotland (DVD). - [S.l.] : 20th Century Fox, c2006

Lawrence of Arabia (VHS). - London : Horizon Pictures, 1962

Das Leben der Anderen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Wiedermann & Berg, 2006

Letters From Iwo Jima (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros Pictures : Dreamworks Pictures, 2006

The Lion in Winter (DVD). - [S.l.] : Avco Embassy, 1968

The Longest Day (DVD). - [S.l.] : 20th Century Fox, 1962

The Longest Hatred (DVD). - [S.l.] : Thames Television, 1991, c2004

Lost Kingdoms of the Maya (VHS). - Washington DC : National Geographic: dreifing Námsgagnastofnun, 1993

A Man for All Seasons (DVD). - [S.l.] Columbia, 1966

Marie Antoinette (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia, 2006

The Message : the story of Islam [DVD-diskur]. - [S.l.] : Filmco International, c1997, 1998

Michael Collins (DVD). - [S.l.] : Geffen Pictures, 1996

Monty Python and The Holy Grail (DVD). - [S.l.] : Python Pictures, 1974

Monty Python´s And Now For Something Completely Different (DVD). - [S.l.] :Python Pictures, 1971

Monty Python´s Life of Brian (DVD). - [S.l.] : Python Pictures, 1979

Monty Python´s The Meaning of Life (DVD). - [S.l.] : Celandine Films, 1983

The Name of the Rose (DVD). - [S.l.] : Constantin Film Produktion, c2004

The Nazis : a warning from history (VHS). - [S.l.] : BBC / A&E Network co-production, c1997

O´Kung : Bushmen of Kalahari = Búskmenn í Kalaharí (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgst., [án árs]

People's Century 1-9 (VHS). - [S.l.] : BBC / WGBH co-production, c1997

The Pianist (DVD). - [S.l.] : Canal+, 2002

Queen Victoria's Empire (DVD). - [S.l.] : PBS ; Devillier Donegan, c2006

The Republic of India (VHS). - [S.l.] : South Caroline ETV : dreifing Námsgst., 1997

Rise and Decline of the Roman Empire (VHS). - [S.l.] : Coronet ; dreifing Námsgagnastofnun, 1963

Ríkisútvarpið sjónvarp : opnun sjónvarpsins (VSH). - [S.l.] : Sjónvarpið, 1966

The Russian Revolution : the Missing Years (VHS). - [S.l.] : Eastern light productions, c1993

Saga Íslands (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun, 1997, c1996

Saga tuttugustu aldar 1 : látum Þjóðverja greiða skaðabætur (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun : BBC, 1977

Saga tuttugustu aldar 2 : velmegun og hrun (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun : BBC, 1977

Saga tuttugustu aldar 3 : Þýskaland Hitlers 1933-1936 (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun : BBC, 1977

Saga tuttugustu aldar 5 : Stalín og nýsköpun Rússlands (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnunin : BBC, 1977

Saga tuttugustu aldra 6 : friðkaup (VHS). - Reykjavík : BBC ; Námsgagnastofnun, 1977

Saga tuttugustu aldar 10 : Indland - dýrasta djásnið (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun : BBC, 1977

Saga tuttugustu aldar 11 : kalda stríðið (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun : BBC, 1977

Saga tuttugustu aldar 14 : Ísrael og arabaríkin (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun : BBC, 1977

Saga verslunar á Íslandi 1891-1991 (VHS). - Reykjavík : Myndbær, 1991

Saving Private Ryan (DVD og VHS). - [S.l.] : Paramount, 1998

Schindler's List (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 1993

Síðasta ferðin (DVD). - [S.l.] SantosFilm, 2010

Slaughterhouse-Five (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, c1972

Spartacus (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 1960

Stríð og friður : tuttugasta öldin 1940-1949 (VHS). - Reykjavík : Alvís, 2000

Stúlkurnar á Kleppjárnsreykjum : lauslæti og landráð (DVD). - Reykjavík : IRI, 2016

Suðurganga Nikulásar : heimildarmynd um pílagrímaferðir Íslendinga á miðöldum (VHS og DVD). - Reykjavík : Seylan, 1999

Troy [DVD]. - [S.l.] : WB, 2004

The True Story of Alexander the Great (DVD). - [S.l.] : History Channel : A&E Television, c2004

The True Story of Che Guevara (DVD). - [S.l.] : A&E Television, c2006

Tyrkjaránið (VHS og DVD). - Reykjavík : Seylan, 2002

Tyrkland : ein jörð (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun, 2001

Uppgangur og hnignun Rómaveldis (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun : Coronet, [198-?]

Varnaliðið : kaldastríðsútvörður : heimildamynd um sögu bandaríska varnarliðsins á
(DVD). - [S.l.] : Ljósop, [2017]

Verstöðin Ísland 1-4 (VHS). - Reykjavík : Lifandi myndir, 1991-1992

Vikingernes skibe (VHS). - København : Udenrigsministeriet, c1995

The War of 1812 (DVD). - [S.l.] : History Channel : A&E Television, c2005

Woman Shaman (DVD). - [S.l.] : Suppressed Histories Archives, [s.a.]

The World at War (DVD). - London : Thames Television, c1974 c2004

World War 1 in colour (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nugus/Martin Production, 2003

The Young Victoria (DVD). - [S.l.] : GK Films, 2009

Þjóðin vaknar : tuttugasta öldin 1901-1927 (VHS). - Reykjavík : Alvís, 1998

Ævintýrið um kartöfluna undursamlegu (VHS). - [S.l.] : Statens filmcentral, c1986


Sálfræði, siðfræði, uppeldisfræði:

As Good As It Gets. - [S.l.] : Sony : Tristar Pictures, 1997

Einelti : helvíti á jörð (DVD). - Reykjavík : höfundar, 2003

Einhverfa : hvað er til ráða? (DVD). - Reykjavík : Umsjónarfélag einhverfra, 2009

Eintal með Stefáni Karli : fyrirlestur um uppeldi (VHS). - [S.l.] : SKS, 2003

Eldfjall (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zik Zak kvikmyndir, Fine & Mellow, 2012

Elling (DVD). - [S.l.] : Maipo Film & Tv-produksjon, c2001

Elsku barnið mitt 1-2 (um Downs heilkenni) (VHS). - [S.l.] : RÚV, 2003

Das Experiment = The Experiment (VHS). - [S.l.] : Typhoon Film, 2000

Ég veit að það má ekki (DVD). - Reykjavík : Myndstef, 2007

Fáðu já (DVD) : stuttmynd um mörkin milli ofbeldis og kynlífs. - Reykjavík : Mennta-og menningarmálaráðuneytið, 2013

Fjölgreind = Multiple Intelligence : viðtal við Howard Gardner í Kastljósi 6. ágúst 2003 (VHS). - Reykjavík : RÚV-Sjónvarp, 2003.

Fjölskyldan 2 (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun; Plúsfilm, 1996

Hrein og bein (DVD). - [S.l.] : Krummafilm : Samtökin 78, 2003

The Human Animal : a Personal View of the Human Species (VHS). - Bristol : BBC, 1994-1995.

Inferential Statistics (DVD). - Wirral : Uniview Worldwide, 2005

Introduction to Designing Experiments (DVD). - Wirral : Uniview Worldwide, 2006

Invitation to Social Psychology (DVD). - New York : Harper & Row, 1975

Kynlíf : forfallakennarinn (DVD). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun, 2006

Lesblinda : dyslexía - fróðleikur og ráðgjöf (DVD). - Reykjavík : Félag lesblindra á Íslandi, 2007

Lilya 4-Ever (VHS). - [S.l.] : Memfis film 2002

Life, animated (DVD). - [S.l.] : Dogwoof, 2017

Lystin að lifa (DVD). - Reykjavík : Bergsól, 2007

Náðargáfan lesblinda : hvernig Davis-kerfið virkjar snilligáfu sem býr að baki námsörðugleikum (VHS). - [Reykjavík] :, 2003

Notes on a Scandal (DVD). - [S.l.] : Fox Searchlight, 2006

Organising Quantitative Data (DVD). - Wirral : Uniview Worldwide, 2005

Precious (DVD). - [S.l.] : Lionsgate, 2009

Qualitative Methods in Psychology (DVD). - Wirral : Uniview Worldwide, 2006

Quiet Rage : the Stanford Prison Study (DVD). - Stanford : Stanford University, Dpt of Psychology, 1988

Rain Man (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM : UA, 1988

Safe and Sound : How to Save the Life of a Child (VHS). - Henley-on-Thames : Watchword Educational library, c1995

Saga Dóra : myndband um einelti (VHS). - Reykjavík : Litla gula hænan, 1993

The Secret Life of the Brain (DVD). - [S.l.] : David Grubin Productions, 2002

The Shampoo Set = Sápugengið : að þekkja sjálfan sig (VHS). - Open University 1995

Soul Searching : looking for Spiritual Fulfilment (VHS). - Kópavogi : Menntaskólinn í Kópavogi, 1997

Sólskinsdrengurinn (DVD). - [S.l.] : Frontier Filmworks, 2010

Super Sense 1-2 : a Voyage in Animal Perception (VHS). - Bristol : BBC TV, 1989

Svo kom það fyrir mig : umferðarfræðsla í framhaldsskólum (DVD). - Reykjavík : Umferðarstofa, án árs

Syndir feðranna (DVD). - Reykjavík : Köggull, 2007


DV : fyrstir með fréttirnar (VHS). - Reykjavík : Saga film, [s.a.]

Fjölmiðlun 223 : vorönn 1991 (VHS). - Reykjavík : FÁ, 1991

Indie games : the movie (DVD). -  [S.l.] : Blinkworks, 2012.

Upplýsinga- og fjölmiðlabraut Fjölbrautaskólans við Ármúla : heimildarmynd (VHS). - Reykjavík : FÁ, 2001

What kind of school is the Comprehensive College of Armuli? : kynningarmyndband unnið af nemendum í ULT 103 á vorönn 2002 (VHS). - Reykjavík : FÁ, 2002


Myndefni fyrir tungumálakennslu:








100% underholdning (DVD). - [S.l.] : CMC Entertainment, 2004

1864 (DVD). - Oslo : Miso Film, 2014

Adams æbler (DVD). - [S.l.] : M&M productions, 2004

Af banen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zeitgeist, 2004

Alle for én (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film ; Fridthjof film, 2010

Allegro (DVD). - København : Alphaville Pictures, 2005

Alting bliver godt igen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Alphaville, 2010

Ambulancen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2005

Anja og Viktor (DVD). - [S.l.] : Regner Grasten Film, 2001

Armadillo (DVD). - [S.l.] : Fridthjof Film, 2010

Arven (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa Entertainment, 2002

At kende sandheden (DVD). - København : Nordisk film, c2003

At klappe med én hånd (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2004

Babettes gæstebud (DVD). - København : Panorama Film : Nordisk film, 1987

Badehotellet : sæson 1 og 2 (DVD). - Kaupmannahöfn : SF film 2013-2015

Barndommens Gade (DVD). - [S.l.] : Metronome Productions, 1986

Bleeder (DVD). - [S.l.] : Kamikaze, 1999

Blinkende lygter (DVD). - [S.l.] : M&M productions, 2000

Blå mænd (DVD). - [S.l.] : Scanbox, 2008

Brødre (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa Entertainments, 2004

Bænken (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2004

En chance til (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2014

Charlot & Charlotte (DVD). - [S.l.] : Obel film, 1996

(DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus film, 2007

Dansen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2008

Dansen med Regitze (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 1989

Den danske brigade (VHS). - København : Nordisk Film, Folk og Værn, [s.a.].

Der kommer en dag (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2016

Der var engang en dreng som fik en lillesøster med vinger (DVD). - [S.l.] : Græsted film og fjernsyn, c2006

Dernede i Danmark (VHS). - København : Nordisk ministerråd : dreifing MM, 1992

Det som ingen ved (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus Film, 2008

Dig og mig (DVD). - [S.l.] : Filmfabrikken ; Zentropa, 2008

Direktøren for det hele (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2006

Ditte menneskebarn (DVD). - København : Pathe-Nordisk film video, 1946

Drengene fra Sankt Petri (DVD). - [S.l.] : Metronome, 1991

Drabet (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk Film : Zentropa, 2005

Drømmen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2006

Dykkerne (DVD). - [S.l.] : Dykkerne APS, 2000

Edderkroppen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Scanbox, 2013.

Efter bryllupet (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2006

Eksperimentet (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus Film ; Sandrew Metronome, 2011

Elsker dig for evigt (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2004

Én kort og én lang (DVD). - [S.l.] : Angel Films, 2001

Den eneste ene (DVD). - [S.l.] : Sandrew Metronome, 1999

Fakiren fra Bilbao (DVD). - [S.l.] : M&M productions, 2004

Fasandræberne (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2014

Festen (DVD). -  [S.l.] : Nimbus film, 1998

Fighter (DVD) - [S.l.] : Nimbus, 2007

Flaskepost fra P (DVD). - Kaupmannahöfn : Zentropa, 2016

Fluerne på væggen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, c2005

Flugten (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus Film, 2009 

Forbrydelser (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2004

Den forsvundne fuldmægtig (DVD). - København : Metronome, 1971

Det forsømte forår (DVD). - København : Nordisk film video, 1992

Frygtelig lykkelig (DVD). - [S.l.] : Fine & Mellow, 2008

Fuglejagten (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus film, 2012

Gamle mænd i nye biler (DVD). - København : Thura Film, 2002

Den gode strømer (DVD). - [S.l.] : Endaxi Film, 2004

Grønland på vej (VHS). - København : Udenrigsministeriet, 1996

De grønne slagtere : en rent økologisk film (DVD). - [S.l.] : M&M productions, 2002

Halalabad blues (DVD). - [S.l.] : Angel films, 2002

Hjemve (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2007

Hvid nat (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus film, 2007

Hvidsten gruppen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Regner Grasten, 2012

Hvordan vi slipper af med de andre (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa : Nordisk film, 2006

Hævnen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2010

I Kina spiser de hunde (DVD). - [S.l.] : Steen Herdel, 2004

Inkasso (DVD). - [S.l.] : Asa film, 2004

Italiensk for begyndere (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, c2002

Jagten (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2013

Jeg er Dina (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2004

Kandidaten (DVD). - [S.l.] : Miso Film, 2008

Kapgang (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film 2014

Kapringen (DVD) - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2013

Kidnappet (DVD). - [S.l.] : SF Film 2014

Klassefesten (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2011

Kollegiet (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2007

Kongekabale (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2004

En kongelig affære (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2012

Krøniken (DVD). - [S.l.] : DR : ArtPeople, 2007

Kun en pige (DVD og VHS). - [S.l.] : Regner Grasten ; Nordisk Film, 1995

Kunsten at græde i kor (DVD) - [S.l.] : Final Cut Production, 2006

Kærestesorger (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk Film, 2009 

En kærlighedshistorie (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus, 2001

Lad de små børn ... (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2004

Ledsaget udgang (DVD). - [S.l.] : Clausen film, 2007

Lotto (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2006

Lærkevej 1 (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2009

En mand kommer hjem (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus, 2008

Manden bag døren (DVD). - [S.l.] : Angel Films, 2003

Marie Krøyer (DVD). - [S.l.] : SF Film, 2013

Matador (DVD). - [S.l.] : DR : Sandrew Metronome, c2006

Max Pinlig 3 på Roskilde (DVD). - [S.l.] : Asta film 2014

Melancholia (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2011

Midsommer (DVD). - [S.l.] : Cosmo Film, 2003

Midt om natten (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2004

Mifunes sidste sang (dogma) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus Film, 1999.

Mig og Mama-Mia (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 1989

Min bedste fjende (DVD). - [S.l.] : Scanbox, 2010

Monas verden (DVD). - [S.l.] : Per Holst Film ; Nordisk Film, 2001

Monica Z (DVD). - Stockholm : Svensk filmindustri, 2013

Mord i mørket (DVD). - København : Nordisk film, 1986

Nattevagten (DVD). - København : Thura film, DRTV, 1994

Nitten røde roser (DVD). - [S.l.] : On-air, [2001]

Nordkraft (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus film, 2005

Norðurlöndin í bíó (DVD). - Malmö : Föreningarna Nordens Förbund, 2006

Norden i bio (DVD). - Malmö : Föreningarna Nordens Förbund, 2008

Nordvest (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film 2013

Nynne (DVD). - [S.l.] : Angel, 2005

Offscreen (DVD). - København : Alpaville productions, 2006

Og det er Danmark 1-2 (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgst., 1997

Olsen banden 1 (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2004

Opbrud (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2004

Oskar og Josefine (DVD). - [S.l.] : Cosmo film, 2004

Pelle erobreren (DVD). - [S.l.]: Per Holst Filmproduction, c2003

Prag (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus film, 2006

Pusher (DVD). - [S.l.] : Balboa, 1996

Reconstruction (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film : Director's Cut, 2003

Regel Nr. 1 (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zeitgeist, c2003

Rejseholdet 1-32 (DVD). - [S.l.] : DR, 2006

Rembrandt (DVD). - [S.l.] : Fine & Mellow : Ugly Duckling, 2003

Rene hjerter (DVD). - [S.l.] : Fine & Mellow, 2006 

Rich kids (DVD). - [S.l.] : New Danish Screen, 2006

Riget 1-2 (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, c2004

Rita 1 (DVD - hele 1. sæson). - [S.l.] : SF Film, 2012

Rita : sæson 1-3 (DVD). - [S.l.] : SF film, 2015

Råzone (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2006

Sandheden om mænd (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2010 

Se min kjole (DVD). - [S.l.] : Fine & Mellow, 2009

Se til venstre, der er en svensker (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus film, 2003

Simon og Malou (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nepenthe film, 2010

Den skaldede frisør (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa, 2014

Den skyldige (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2018 

Solkongen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Thura film, 2004

Den sorte Madonna (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2007

Sprængfarlig bombe (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2006

Den store badedag (DVD). - [S.l.] Asa film, 1992

Den store dag (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2005

Store planer! (DVD). - [S.l.] : Angel Films, 2005

Storm (DVD). - [S.l.] : ASA Film, 2010

Submarino (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus Film, 2010

Superclásico (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus Film, 2011 

Suzanne og Leonard (DVD). - [S.l.] : Just Betzer : Panorama film, [s.a.]

Team hurricane (DVD). - [S.l.] : Angel film, 2018

Tempelriddernes skat (DVD). - [S.l.] : M&M Productions, 2005

Terkel i knibe (DVD). - [S.l.] : A. Film, 2004

Til døden os skiller (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2007

Tine (DVD). - Cph. : Rialto Film, 1964

Tro, håb og kærlighed (DVD). - [S.l.] Nordisk film, 1984

Tæl til 100 (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nordisk film, 2004

Under sandet (DVD). - København : Nordisk film, 2015

Veninder (DVD). - [S.l.] : Independent Film, 2005

Venter på far (DVD). - [S.l.] : Seven Tales, 2005

Vi er Danmark (VHS). - København : Udenrigsministeriet, [s.a.]

Vikaren (DVD). - [S.l.] : Thura Film, 2005, c2007

Vikingernes skibe (VHS). - København : Udenrigsministeriet, c1995

Vildspor (DVD). - [S.l.] : Balboa 2, 1998

Villa Paranoia (DVD). - [S.l.] : Clausen film, 2004

Voksne mennesker (DVD). - [S.l.] : Nimbus film, 2005

Zappa (DVD). - [S.l.] : Per Holst, 1982

Ækte vare (DVD). - [S.l.] : Beofilm 2014

Ørnen 1-16 (DVD). - [S.l.] : DR-Drama : Nordisk film, 2006



101 Dalmatians (DVD). - [S.l.] : Walt Disney Pictures, 1996

About a Boy (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 2002

Alexander (DVD). - [S.l.] Warner Bros and Intermedia Films, 2004

All that Heaven allows (DVD. - [S.l.] : Universal 1955

Animal Farm (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 1954, c1986, c2003

Animal Farm (DVD). - [S.l.] : Boulevard Entertainment, c2006

Anna Karenina (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 2012

Away from Her (DVD). - [Hafnarfjörður] : Myndform, 2007

The Ballad of Little Jo
(DVD). - [S.l.] Fine Line Features, 2003

Bamboozled (DVD). - [S.l.] : New Line Cinema, 2000

A Beautiful Mind (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 2001

Becoming Jane (um Jane Austen) (DVD). - [S.l.] : HanWay Films, c2007

Being Julia (DVD). - [S.l.] : Serendipity Point Films ; Sony Pictures, 2004

Ben Hur (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM, 1959

Bend It Like Beckham (DVD). - [S.l.] : Kintop Pictures, 2002

The Birds (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal Pictures, c2006

Blood Diamond (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros., c2006

Born on the Fourth of July (DVD).  [S.l.] : Universal, 1989

The Bourne Identity (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 2002

The Breakfast Club (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 1985, c2008

Brideshead Revisited (DVD). - London : Granada, 1981

The Bridge on the River Kwai (VHS). - [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 1957

Brokeback Mountain (DVD). - [S.l.] : Focus Features : River Road, 2005

The Brontë Sisters (VHS). - London : Academy media, c1995

The Buddha of Suburbia (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, 1993, c2008

Bulworth (DVD). - [S.l.] : Twentieth Century Fox, 1998

Cabaret (VHS). - [S.l.] : Allied Artists : ABC, c1972

Cannery Row (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM, 2009

The Canterbury Tales (DVD). - Roma : PEA, 1971

Capote (DVD). - [S.l.] : United Artists ; Sony Pictures, 2006

Casablanca (VHS). - [S.l.] : Paramount Pictures, c1943

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Paul Newman og Elizabeth Taylor) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Avon prod. : Turner Entertainment, c2006

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Tommy Lee Jones og Jessica Lange) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Showtime Entertainment, c1984

The Celluloid Closet (DVD). - [S.l.] : Home Box Office, 1996

Charlie Chaplin : the little tramp (DVD). - [S.l.] : Pickwick Group, 2007

Charles Dickens : novelist 1812-1870
(VHS). - London : Skan productions, [s.a.]

Charles Dickens : a Tale of Ambition and Genius (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Network, c1995.

Chariots of Fire (DVD). - [S.l.] : Enigma Productions, 1981

Chinatown (DVD). - [S.l.] : Paramount Pictures, 1974

Citizen Kane (DVD). - [S.l.] : Mercury Production, 1941

Clockwork Orange (DVD) . - [S.l.] : Warner Bros, 1971

Cold Mountain (DVD).  - [S.l.] : Miraqmax, 2003

The Color Purple (DVD). - [S.l.]. : Warner Bros, 1985

Cromwell (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia, 1970, c2003

The Crucible (VHS). - [S.l.] : Twentieth Century Fox, 1996

Dancer in the Dark (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa Entertainments, 2000

Dead Poets Society (DVD). - [S.l.] : Touchstone Pictures, c2006

Dead Reckoning (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 1946

Death of a Salesman (DVD). - [S.l.] : CastleHill, 1985, c2001

The Deer Hunter (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, c1978

Doctor Zhivago (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM, 1965

Dogville (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zentropa Entertainments, 2003

Donnie Darko (DVD). - [S.l.] : Newmarket, 2004

Dorian Gray (DVD). - [S.l.] : Ealing Studios, 2009

East of Eden (VHS). - [S.l.] : Warner Home Video, 1992.

Edgar Rice Burroughs : 1875-1950 (VHS). - West Long Branch, NJ : Kultur, 2001

Educating Rita (DVD). - London : Rank, 1993

The Education of Little Tree (DVD). - [S.l.] : Paramount Pictures, 1996

Elizabeth I (DVD). - [S.l.] : Company Pictures, Channel 4, 2005

Emma (Jane Austen) (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, 2009

Empire of the Sun (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros, 1987

Enid (DVD). - [S.l.]. - Carnival, 2009

Erin Brockovich (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 2000

Ernest Hemingway : American Writer 1899-1961 (VHS). - [S.l.] : Skan-film, c1995

Ernest Hemingway : Wrestling with Life (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Network, c1998

Eugene O'Neill : 1888-1953 (VHS). - London : Academia Media, c1996

Everest (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, Myndform, 2015

F. Scott Fitzgerald : the Great American Dreamer (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Network, c1997

Far From Heaven (DVD). - [S.l.] : Entertainment in Video, 2003

A Farewell To Arms (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros, 1932

A Farewell To Arms (VHS). - [S.l.] : Twentieth Century Fox, 1957

Fatal Attraction (DVD). - [S.l.] : Paramount Pictures, 1987

A Fish Called Wanda (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM, 1988

The Five People You Meet in Heaven (DVD). - [S.l.] : Hallmark Entertainment, c2004

Flags of Our Fathers (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros, 2004

For Whom the Bell Tolls (DVD). - [S.l.] : Paramount Pictures, 1943

Forrest Gump (DVD). - [S.l.] : Paramount Pictures, 1994

Four Weddings and a Funeral (DVD). - [S.l.] : Polygram : Channel Four Films, 1993

Freedom Riders (DVD). - [S.l.] : American Experience, 2011

French Kiss (DVD). - [S.l.] : Twentieth Century Fox, c1995

The French Lieutenant's Woman (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM Home Entertainment, 2008  

Full Metal Jacket (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros, 2008

The general (Buster Keaton) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Pickwick Group, 2008

George Eliot
: Novelist 1818-1880 (VHS). - London : Skan Productions, c1987

George Orwell : Journalist & Novelist 1903-1950 (VHS). - London : Skan productions, c1994

Gilda (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 1946

Girl with a Pearl Earring (DVD). - [S.l.] : Pathé Pictures, 2003

Gladiator (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 2000

Go Fish (DVD). - [S.l.] : Can I Watch Pictures, 1994

Gone with the Wind (DVD). - [S.l.] : Selznick International : MGM, 1939

Gorillas in the Mist (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros : Universal Pictures, 1988

The Grapes of Wrath (DVD). - [S.l.] : 20th Century Fox, 1940

The Great Dictator (Chaplin) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Charles Chaplin Film Corporator, 1940

The Great Escape (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM, 1963

Great Expectations (VHS). - London : BBC, 1999

Great Expectations (VHS). - [S.l.] : Rank, 1945

The Great Gatsby (DVD). - [S.l.] : A&E Network : Granada, c2000

The Great Gatsby (Robert Redford, Mia Farrow) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Paramount, c1974.

Green Card (DVD). - [S.l.] : Touchstone, 1990

Groundhog Day (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 1993

H.G. Wells : Time Traveler
(VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Networks, c1995

Halloween (DVD). - [S.l.] : Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2001

Hamlet (Kenneth Branagh) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Castle Rock, c1996

The Handmaid's Tale (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM, 1989

Hemingway, Ernest : American Writer 1899-1961 (VHS). - [S.l.] : Skan-film, c1995

Hemingway, Ernest : Wrestling with Life (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Network, c1998

Henry James : American Writer 1843-1916 (VHS). - [S.l.] : Skan productions, c1994

Henry V. (Kenneth Branagh) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Renaissance Films, 1989

Hey, Boo : Harper Lee & To Kill a Mockingbird (DVD). - [S.l.] : First Run Features, 2011

High Noon (DVD). - [S.l.] : United Artists, 1952

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (DVD). - London : BBC, 1982

Hope and Glory (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 1987

The Hours (DVD og VHS). - [S.l.] : Paramount Pictures, 2002

If ... (DVD) - [S.l.] : Paramount Pictures, 1968

The Importance of Being Earnest (Michael Redgrave ofl.) (DVD). - London : Pickwick, 1952

The Importance of Being Earnest (Colin Firth) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Ealing Studios : Miramar Films, c2001

In the Name of the Father (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 1993

Iris (DVD). - [S.l.] : Buena Vista Home Entertainment, [s.a.] 

The Iron Lady
(DVD). - [Hafnarfjörður : Myndform, 2012

It's a Wonderful Life (DVD). - [S.l.] : Liberty Films, 1947

James, Henry : American Writer 1843-1916 (VHS). - [S.l.] : Skan productions, c1994

James Joyce : poet and novelist 1882-1941 (VHS). - London : Skan productions, c1996

Jane Austen : Novelist 1775-1817 (VHS). - [S.l.] : Academy Media, c1995

Jane Austen's Life (DVD). - [S.l.] : Artsmagic, 1997

Jane Austen's Society (DVD). - [S.l.] : Artsmagic, 1997

Jane Austen's Works (DVD). - [S.l.] : Artsmagic, 1997

Jane Eyre (DVD). - London : BBC, 2006

Jaws (DVD).- [S.l.] : Universal Pictures, 2005

The Jazz Singer (VHS). - [S.l.] : Warner Brothers, 1927

Jesus Christ Superstar (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 1973

John Steinbeck : American Novelist 1902-1968 (VHS). - London : Skan productions, c1994

John Steinbeck : an American Writer (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E, c2000

The Joy Luck Club (DVD). - [S.l.] : Hollywood Pictures, 1993

Joyce, James : poet and novelist 1882-1941 (VHS). - London : Skan productions, c1996

The Kennedys (DVD). - Boston : WGBH, c2009

The Kite Runner (DVD). - [S.l.] : Dreamwork Pictures, 2007

The Last King of Scotland (DVD). - [S.l.] : 20th Century Fox, c2006

Lawrence of Arabia (DVD). - [London] : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2011

A Lesson Before Dying (DVD). - [S.l.] : Spanky Pictures, 1999

Letters from Iwo Jima (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros, 2006

The Lion in Winter (DVD). - [S.l.] : Avco Embassy, 1968

Little Britain : the complete first series (DVD). - London : BBC, 2003

A Little Trip to Heaven (DVD). - [S.l.] : Blueeye Production, 2005

Lolita (DVD). - [S.l.] : Lolita Productions, c1997

The Longest Day (DVD). - [S.l.] : 20th Century Fox, 1962

Lord of the Flies (DVD). - [S.l.] : Lewis Allen and Dana Hodgdon, 1963

Lord of the Flies (VHS). - [S.l.] : Castle rock, 1990

Love in the Time of Cholera (DVD). - [S.l.] : Stone Village Pictures, c2007

Lost in Translation (DVD). - [S.l.] : Focus Features, 2003

Love Story (DVD). - [S.l.] : Paramount Pictures, 1970

The Loved One (VHS). - [S.l.] : MGM, c1965

Macbeth (Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Studiocanal, 2015

Macbeth : Teacher and Students Describe Macbeth by William Shakespeare (VHS). - [S.l.] : Ninth Hair production, 1996

Mad Max : Fury Road 25th anniversary edition (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros, c2015

The Magdalene Sisters (DVD). - [S.l.] : Scottish Screen : The Film Council : The Irish Film Board, 2002

The Majestic (DVD). - [S.l.] : Castle Rock Entertainment, 2001

A Man For All Seasons (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia, 1966

Marie Antoinette (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 2006

Mark Twain : his Amazing Adventure (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Network, c1995

Memoirs of a Geisha (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 2005

Michael Palin´s Hemingway Adventure (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC Worldwide, 2004

Moby Dick (DVD). - [S.l.] : Moulin Pictures : MGM, 1956

Modern Times (DVD). - [S.l.] : Charles Chaplin, 1936

Monty Python and The Holy Grail (DVD). - [S.l.] : Python Pictures, 1974

Monty Python´s And Now For Something Completely Different (DVD). - [S.l.] :Python Pictures, 1971

Monty Python´s Life of Brian (DVD). - [S.l.] : Python Pictures, 1979

Monty Python´s The Meaning of Life (DVD). - [S.l.] : Celandine Films, 1983

Mr. Holland's Opus (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM : Hollywood Pictures, 1995

Mrs Dalloway (DVD). - [S.l.] : First Look Pictures, 1997

My Family = Mi familia [DVD). - [S.l.] : New Line Cinema, 1994

The Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Network, c1994

The Name of the Rose (DVD). - [S.l.] : Constantin Film Produktion, c2004

Never Let Me Go (DVD). - [S.l.] : 20th Century Fox, 2010

The Notebook (DVD). - [Hafnarfjörður] : Myndform, 2005

Notes on a Scandal
(DVD). - [S.l.] : Fox Searchlight, 2006

O Brother, Where Art Thou? (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 2000

The Office : complete series one & two and the Christmas specials (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, c2004

The Office : season one in American television (DVD). -  [S.l.] : Reveille, c2005

The Old Man and the Sea (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros., 1958 (Spencer Trancy í aðalhlutverki)

The Old Man and the Sea (DVD). - [S.l.] : Granada, 1989 (Anthony Quinn í aðalhlutverki)

Of Mice and Men (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM, 1992

Oliver Twist (Alec Guinness) (VHS). - London : Rank, 1948.

One Day (DVD). - [S.l.] : Focus Features, 2011

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (DVD). - [S.l.] : Braveworld, 1991

O'Neill, Eugene : 1888-1953 (VHS). - London : Academia Media, c1996

Orlando (DVD). - [S.l.] : Adventure Pictures, 1992

Orwell, George : Journalist & Novelist 1903-1950 (VHS). - London : Skan productions, c1994

Oscar Wilde : Wit's End : Biography (DVD). - [S.l.] : A&E, 2001

Othello (Laurence Olivier) (DVD). - London : The National Theatre of GB, 1965

Othello (Ian McLellen) (DVD). - London : Royal Shakespeare Company, c1990

A Passage to India (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 1984

Patch Adams (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal Studios, 2021

Perfume : the story of a murderer (DVD). - [S.l.] : Constantin Film, 2006

Persepolis (DVD). - [S.l.] : 2.4.7. Films, 2007

Plath, Sylvia : Voices and Visions (VHS). - New York : New York Center for Visual History, c1988

Poe, Edgar Allan (The Mystery of Edgar Allan) (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Network, c1994

The Portrait of a Lady (VHS). - [S.l.] : Polygram, 1996

Precious (DVD). - [S.l.] : Lionsgate, 2009

Pretty Woman (DVD). - [S.l.] : Touchstone Pictures, 1990

Pride and Prejudice (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, 1995

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (DVD). - [S.l.] : 20th Century Fox, 1968

Psycho (DVD). - [S.l.] : Paramount, c1960

Rain Man (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM : UA, 1988

The Reader(DVD). - [S.l.] : Weinstein, c2008

Rear Window (DVD). - [S.l.] : Paramount, 1954

Rebel without a Cause (VHS). - [S.l.] : Warner Home Video, 1992

A Room with a View
(DVD). - [S.l.] : Goldcrest, c1985

Saving Private Ryan (DVD). - [S.l.]. : Paramount Pictures, c1998

Schindler's List (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 1993

Scott Fizgerald : 1896-1940 (VHS). - London : Academia media, c1995.

Shadowlands (DVD). - [S.l.] : Spelling Films, 1993

Shakespeare, William: Hamlet (Kenneth Branagh) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Castle Rock, c1996

Shakespeare, William : Henry V. (Kenneth Branagh) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Renaissance Films, 1989

Shakespeare, William : Othello (Laurence Olivier) (DVD). - London : The National Theatre of GB, 1965

Shakespeare, William : Othello (Ian McLellen) (DVD). - London : Royal Shakespeare Company, c1990

Shakespeare, William : A Life of Drama (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E, 1999

Shakespeare, William : Poet & Dramatist 1564-1616 (VHS). - [S.l.] : Nelson Filmscan, 1984

The Shawshank Redemption (DVD). - [S.l.] : Castle Rock Entertainment, 1994

Slaughterhouse-Five (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 1972

Smoke Signals (DVD). - [S.l.] : Shadow Catcher Entertainment, 1998

The Snows of Kilimanjaro (DVD). - [S.l.] : 20th Century Fox, 1952, c2007

Some Like It Hot (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM, c1959

Spartacus (DVD). - [S.l.] : Universal, 1960

Speak easily (Buster Keaton) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Pickwick Group, 2008

Steamboat Bill jr. (Buster Keaton) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Pickwick Group, 2008

Steinbeck, John : American Novelist 1902-1968
(VHS). - London : Skan productions, c1994

Steinbeck, John : an American Writer (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E, c2000

Still Alice (DVD). - Hafnarfjörður : Myndform, 2015

A Streetcar Named Desire
(DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Brothers, 1951, c2000

The Sun Also Rises (DVD). - [S.l.] 20th Century Fox, 1957, c2007

Sylvia (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC Films, 2001

Sylvia Plath : Voices and Visions (VHS). - New York : New York Center for Visual History, c1988

Taxi Driver (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 1976

Tennessee Williams : Wounded Genius (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Network, c1998

To Kill a Mockingbird (DVD). - [S.l.] : Pakula-Mulligan productions, 1962 c2005

To the Lighthouse (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC : Colin Gregg's Films, 1983

Trainspotting (DVD). - [S.l.] : Channel Four Films, 1996

Tristan & Isolde (DVD). - [S.l.] : 20th Century Fox, 2005

Truman Capote : the Tiny Terror (VHS). - [S.l.] : Television Networks, 1997

Twain, Mark : his Amazing Adventure (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Network, c1995

Vera Drake (DVD). - [S.l.] : Thin Man Films, 2004

Vertigo (DVD). - [S.l.] : Paramount, 1958

Virginia Woolf : Novelist 1882-1941 (VHS). - London : Skan production, [s.a.]

Wells, H. G. : Time Traveler (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E Television Networks, c1995

West Side Story (DVD). - [S.l.] : United Artists, 1973

William Blake (DVD). - West Long Branch, NJ : Kultur, c2005

William Faulkner (DVD). - West Land Branch : Kultur, 2005

William Golding : (sænskur sjónvarpsþáttur). - Stockholm : TV1 Fakta : Sveriges Television, 1983

William Shakespeare : A Life of Drama (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E, 1999

William Shakespeare : Poet & Dramatist 1564-1616 (VHS). - [S.l.] : Nelson Filmscan, 1984

Williams, Tennessee : Wounded Genius (VHS). - [S.l.] ; A&E Television Network, c1998

Woolf, Virginia : Novelist 1882-1941 (VHS). - London : Skan production, [s.a.]

The World According to Garp (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros., 1982

Yes Minister : series 1-3 (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, 2001-2003

Yes, Prime Minister : series 1-2 (DVD). - [S.l.] : BBC, 2004-2005

The Young Victoria (DVD). - [S.l.] : GK Films, 2009

Zabriskie Point (DVD). - [S.l.] : MGM, 1970



Amelie (DVD). - [S.l.] : Victoires production, 2001

Betty Blue (DVD). - [S.l.] : Constellation Productions : Gaumont & Cargo Films, 1986

Breathless (DVD). - [S.l.] : Optimum Releasing, 2010

Café Crème 1
(VHS). - Paris : Hachette, c1998

Chez Maupassant : contes & nouvelles (DVD). - [S.l.] : JM Productionss : France2, 2007

Les Choristes (DVD) - [S.l.] : Galatée Films, 2004

Cyrano de Bergerac (DVD). - [S.l.] : Hachette Premiere et Cie, c1990

Fables de La Fontaine (DVD). - [S.l.] : Comédie-Française, c2005

Hugo, Victor : writer 1802-1885 (VHS). - London : Academy media, c2001

Indochine (DVD). - [S.l.] : BAC Films, 1991

Intouchables (DVD). - [S.l.] : Gaumont, 2011

Jules Verne (The Extraordinary Voyages of Jules Verne) (VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E, c1995

La Fontaine, Jean de: Fables (DVD). - [S.l.] : Comédie-Française, c2005

Le Havre (DVD). - [S.l.] : Sputnik OY, c2012

Un Long Dimanche de Fiançailles : A Very Long Engagement (DVD). - [S.l.] : Warner Bros, 2003 Productions, 2004

Madame Bovary (DVD). - [S.l.] : L.C.J. Editions & Productions, c2007

Madame Bovary (DVD). - [S.l.] MK2 Productions, c2002

Maupassant, Guy de: Chez Maupassant : contes & nouvelles (DVD). - [S.l.] : JM Productionss : France2, 2007

Molière (DVD). - [S.l.] : Claude Lelouch, c1978

Molière (DVD). - [S.l.] : Fidélité, 2006

Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran (DVD). - [S.l.] ARP, 2003

Paris (DVD). - [S.l.] : Ce Qui Me Meut, c2007

Paris, je t'aime (DVD). - [S.l.] : Victoires International et Pirol Film, 2006

Persepolis (DVD). - [S.l.] : 2.4.7. Films, 2007

Le Petit Nicolas (DVD). - [S.l.] : Fidélité et Imay, 2009

Potiche (DVD). - [S.l.] : Mandarin Cinema, 2010

Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu? (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2015

A trip to moon = Le yoyage dans la lune (DVD). - [Glasgow] : Park Circus, 2012

Verne, Jules (The Extraordinary Voyages of Jules Verne)
(VHS). - [S.l.] : A&E, c1995

Victor Hugo : writer 1802-1885 (VHS). - London : Academy media, c2001

La Vie en Rose (DVD). - [S.l.] : Légende, c2007



18. öldin með Pétri Gunnarssyni (DVD). - Reykjavík : Reykjavík films, 2012

79 af stöðinni (DVD). - Reykjavík : Edda Film, 1962, c2007

101 Reykjavík (DVD). - Reykjavík : 101, 2000

Albatross (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2015

Allir litir hafsins eru kaldir (DVD). - Reykjavík : Kvikmyndafélagið Ax, c2005

Astrópía (DVD). - [S.l.] : Kvikmyndafélag Íslands, c2007

Benjamín dúfa (DVD). - Reykjavík : Baldur Film, 1995, c2008

Bíódagar (DVD). - Reykjavík : Íslenska kvikmyndasamsteypan, 1994, c2008

Bjarnfreðarson (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sam-myndir, 2010

Blindsker : saga Bubba Morthens
(DVD). - [S.l.] : Poppoli, 2004

Blóðbönd (DVD). - Reykjavík : Pegasus, 2006

Brim (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2010

Brotabrot 1-3 : nokkur leiklesin ljóð (VHS). - Reykjavík : Námsgagnastofnun, 1997

Brúðguminn (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sögn, 2008

Bræðrabylta og fleiri kvikmyndir eftir Grím Hákonarson (DVD). - [S.l.] : Hark, 2007

Böðvar Guðmundsson (VHS). - Reykjavík : Hugsjón, 1997

Börn (DVD). - Reykjavík : Vesturport, 2006

Börn náttúrunnar (DVD). - Reykjavík : Íslenska kvikmyndasamsteypan, 1991

Dagvaktin (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2008

Dalalíf (DVD). - Reykjavík : Nýtt líf, 1983

Dís (DVD). - Reykjavík : Blueeyes Production/Sögn, 2004

Djúpið (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2013

Djöflaeyjan (DVD). - [S.l.] : Íslenska kvikmyndasamsteypan, 1996

Duggholufólkið (DVD). - Reykjavík : Taka kvikmyndagerð, 2008

Eiðurinn (DVD). - [S.l.] : StudioCanal Limited, 2017.

Einar Már Guðmundsson (VHS). - Reykjavík : Hugsjón, 1997

Einar Már Guðmundsson rithöfundur : með vængi á heilanum (VHS). - Reykjavík : Sjónvarpið, 1995

Einar Kárason (VHS). - Reykjavík : Hugsjón, 1997

Eldfjall (DVD). - [S.l.] : Zik Zak kvikmyndir, Fine & Mellow, 2012

Englar alheimsins (DVD). - Reykjavík : Íslenska kvikmyndasamsteypan, 2000, c2008.

Ferðalok (DVD). - Reykjavík : Vesturport, RÚV, 2013

Foreldrar (DVD). - Reykjavík : Vesturport, 2007

Fóstbræður 1-5 (DVD). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2 : Íslenska útvarpsfélagið, 1997-2001

Fríða Á. Sigurðardóttir (VHS). - Reykjavík : Hugsjón, 1997

Fúsi (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2015

Gott silfur gulli betra (DVD). - [Reykjavik] : Hvíta fjallið, 2009

Guðbergur Bergsson (VHS). - Reykjavík : Morgunn kvikmyndagerð, 2002

Guðmundur Andri Thorsson (VHS). - Reykjavík : Hugsjón, 1997

Hafið (DVD). - [S.l.] : Sögn, c2002

Hallgrímur Helgason (VHS). - Reykjavík : Hugsjón, 1997

Heiðin (DVD). - Reykjavík : Passport kvikmyndir, 2008

Hjartasteinn (DVD). - [Reykjavík] : Sena, 2017

HKL : Anti-American Writer Wins '55 Nobel Prize (DVD). - Mosfellsbær : Umbi, 2011

Hrafninn flýgur (DVD). - [S.l.] : Film, 1983

Hross í oss (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2014

Hrútar (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2016

Hver var Jónas? (um Jónas Hallgrímsson) (DVD). - Seltjarnarnesi : Lífsmynd, 2009

Ingaló (DVD). - Reykjavík : Gjóla, 2007, c1996

Í takt við tímann (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2005

Jóhannes (DVD). - [Hafnarfjörður] : Myndform, c2009

Jón úr Vör (DVD). - [S.l.] : Myndmiðlun, 2011

Kaldaljós (DVD). - Reykjavík : Íslenska kvikmyndasamsteypan, 2004

Karlakórinn Hekla (DVD). - Reykjavík : Kvikmyndafélagið Umbi, 1992

Kona fer í stríð (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2018

Kristín Ómarsdóttir
(VHS). - Reykjavík : Hugsjón, 1997

Kristnihald undir Jökli (DVD). - Reykjavík : Umbi, 1989

Köld slóð (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sagafilm : Reykjavik Films, 2006

Lof mér að falla (DVD). - [S.l.] : Another World Entertainment, 2020

Löggulíf (DVD). - Reykjavík : Nýtt líf, 1985

Magnús (DVD). - Reykjavík : Nýtt líf, 1989

Mamma Gógó (DVD). - [S.l.] : Bavaria Film International, 2010

Mannaveiðar (DVD). - Reykjavík : Reykjavik Films, 2008

Málið og meðferð þess (VHS). - Reykjavík : Fræðsluvarp, 1988

Málmhaus (DVD). - [S.l.] : Mystery, 2014

Mávahlátur (DVD). - Reykjavík : Ísfilm, 2001

Með allt á hreinu (DVD). - [S.l.] : Bjarmaland, c2002

Mýrin (DVD). - Reykjavík : Blueeyes Production/Sögn, 2006

Njáls saga : leikin heimildarmynd úr hluta Brennu-Njáls sögu (DVD). - [S.l.] : Njálssaga, 2003

Nonni og Manni (DVD). - München : Taurus Film, Tellux Film: 1988

Nói albinói (DVD). - London : Artificial Eye, [s.a.]

Nýtt líf
(DVD). - Reykjavík : Nýtt líf, 1983

Næsland (DVD). - [S.l.] : ZikZak, 2004

Næturvaktin (DVD). - Reykjavík : Stöð 2, Sagafilm, 2007

Ólafur Gunnarsson (VHS). - Reykjavík : Hugsjón, 1997

Órói (DVD). - [S.l.] : TLA Releasing, 2012

Pétur Gunnarsson (VHS). - Reykjavík : Hugsjón, 1997

Pressa (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sagafilm, 2008

Raddir Íslands : íslensk þjóðlög og þjóðdansar (DVD). - Siglufirði : Þjóðlagasetur sr. Bjarna Þorsteinssonar, 2009

Ríkið (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2008

Síðasta ferðin  (DVD). - [S.l.] SantosFilm, 2010

Sjón (VHS). - Reykjavík : Hugsjón, 1997

Skjól og skart - handverk og saga íslensku búninganna (DVD). - [Reykjavík] : Gjóla, 2018

Sódóma Reykjavík (DVD). - Reykjavík : Skífan : Moli, 1992, c2004

Steinn Steinarr (einleikur) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Kómedíuleikhúsið, 2006

Steinunn Sigurðardóttir (VHS). - Reykjavík : Hugsjón, 1997

Stella í orlofi (DVD). - Reykjavík :  Bergvík, 2007

Stikkfrí (DVD). - Reykjavík : Íslenska kvikmyndasamsteypan, 1997, c2008
Stóra planið (DVD). - Reykjavík : Poppoli kvikmyndafélag, 2008

Svartir englar (DVD). - Reykjavík : RÚV, Ólafsfell, Sagafilm, 2008

Svartur á leik (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2012

Sveitabrúðkaup (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sam-myndir, 2009

Syndir feðranna (DVD). - [S.l.] : Köggull, 2007

Tár úr steini (DVD). - Reykjavík : Tónabíó, c1995

Undir trénu (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2018

Ungfrúin góða og húsið (DVD). - [S.l.] : Umbi, Pegasus Pictures, 1999

Útlaginn (DVD). - Reykjavík : Ísfilm, 1981, c2005

Valhalla = Valhöll (VHS). - København : Swan Film, 1986

Veðramót (DVD). - [S.l.] : Mosfell/Umbi, 2007

Vigdís Grímsdóttir (VHS). - Reykjavík : Hugsjón, 1997

Vonarstræti (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2014

Þetta er ekkert mál : heimildarmynd um Jón Pál Sigmarsson (DVD). - Reykjavík : Goðsögn kvikmyndagerð, 2006



Ladri di biciclette = Bicycle Thieves (DVD). - [S.l.] : Arrow Films, 2011   




The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (DVD). - Tokyo : Madhouse Production, 2006

Memoirs of a Geisha (DVD). - [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 2005 



The Battleship Potemkin (DVD). - [S.l.] : Eureka Video, 2000


14 Kilómetros (DVD). - [S.l.] : Wanda Vision, 2007

Amores Perros (DVD). - [S.l.] : Altavista films, c2001

Apartamento para dos 1-2 (DVD). - [S.l.] : Edelsa grupe didascalia, [s.a.]

Belle Epoque (DVD). - [S.l.] : Lolafilms, 1992

La Caja (DVD). - [S.l.] : Aiete-Ariane Films, 2007

Carmen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Emiliano Piedra Production, c1983

El cine más corte 1 (DVD). - [S.l.] : Mare films, c2006

Como agua para chocolate = Like Water for Chocolate (DVD). - [S.l.] : Arau Films International, 1991

El Crimen del Padre Amaro (DVD). - [S.l.] : Alameda Films, 2002

Diarios de motocicleta = The Motorcycle Diaries (DVD). - [S.l.] : FilmFour, c2004

Flamenco (DVD). - [S.l.] : Juan Lebron Productions, c1995

Fresa y chocolate (DVD). - [S.l.] : Arthaus Films, 1993

Héctor (DVD). - Barcelona : Manga films, Sogepaq, 2004

El laberinto del fauno (DVD). - [Estudios Picasso, Tequila Gang y Esperanto Filmoj, c2006

La lengua de las mariposas (DVD). - [S.l.] : Sogetel, 1999

Mar adentro (DVD). - Madrid : Sogecine Himenóptero, 2004

Maria Llena Eres de Gracia = Maria Full of Grace (DVD). - [S.l.] : Journeyman Pictures, c2003

Mi vida sin mi (DVD). - [S.l.] : El Deseo, 2004

Mujeres a borde de un ataque de nervios = Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (DVD). - [S.l.] : Lauren Films, 1988

El Orfanato (DVD). - [S.l.] : Rodar y Rodar, c2006

Tango (DVD). - [S.l.] : Pandora cinema : Argentina Sono Film, 1998

Todos sobre mi madre (DVD). - [S.l.] : El Deseo, 1999

Voces inocentes (DVD). - [S.l.] : Manga Films, 2004

Volver (DVD). - [S.l.] : Focus Features, 2006


Karlar sem hata konur (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2009

Loftkastalinn sem hrundi (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2009

Monica Z (DVD). - Stockholm : Stella Nova Film, 2013

Stúlkan sem lék sér að eldinum (DVD). - Reykjavík : Sena, 2009



Anonyma : Eine Frau in Berlin (DVD). - [S.l.] : Constantin Film, 2008

Die Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull (eftir sögu Thomasar Mann) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Europa Filmverleih, 1957

Berlin : sightseeing tour : dia-show (CD-ROM). - Berlin : Rainer Hübner Verlag, 2004

Berlin, Berlin (Staffel 1) (DVD). - München : Metropol Film, c2002

Berlin, Berlin (Staffel 2) (DVD). - München, Universum Film, 2003

Berlin, Berlin (Staffel 3) (DVD). - München, Universum Film, 2004

Berlin, Berlin (Staffel 4) (DVD). - München, Universum Film, 2005

Der Besuch er alten Dame (DVD). - [S.l.] : Ziegler Film, 2008

Bildschirm 3 : 9. und 10. November 1989 (VHS). - Bonn : Inter Nationes, 1989

Das Boot (the director's cut restoration) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Bavaria Film : Columbia Pictures, c1996

Derrick : Das absolute Ende ; Das Abschiedsgeschenk (DVD). - [S.l.] : ZDF, 1998

Derrick : An einem Montagmorgen ; Der zweite Mord (DVD). - [S.l.] : ZDF, 1986 ; 1988

Drei Männer im Schnee (VHS). - [S.l. : s.n., s.a.]

Das Experiment = The Experiment (VHS). - [S.l.] : Typhoon Film, 2000

Der Falschspieler : Zeichentrickfilm (VHS). - München : Goethe-Institut, 1991

Gegen den Wind 1 (DVD). - [S.l.] : Bavaria Film, c1994

Gegen den Wind 2 (DVD). - [S.l.] : Bavaria Film, c1996

Good Bye Lenin! (DVD). - [S.l.] : Bavaria Film International, 2003

Der Himmel über Berlin (DVD). - Berlin ; Paris : Road Movies ; Argos Films, 1987

Das Leben der Anderen (DVD). - [S.l.] : Wiedemann & Berg, 2006

Lola Rennt = Run Lola Run (DVD). - London : Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, c2003

Materialien zur Österreichischen Landeskunde (VHS). - Wien : Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst, 1993

Nosferatu (DVD). - [S.l.] : BFI, 2009

Otto (DVD). - [S.l.] : KirchMedia Entertainment, 2003

Otto - die ersten 15 Jahre ... und mehr (DVD). - [S.l.] : Edel, 2004

Potsdam : sightseeing tour : dia-show (CD-ROM). - Berlin : Rainer Hübner Verlag, 2004

Rosenstrasse (DVD). - [S.l.] : Concorde-Film, 2004

Der Tunnel (DVD). - Berlin : Teamwork, 2001

Der Untergang = Downfall (DVD). - [S.l.] : Constantin Film, 2004

Die weisse Rose (DVD). - [S.l.] : Sentana Filmproduktion, 1982

Das Wunder von Bern (DVD). - [S.l.] Universal Pictures : Senator Film, 2004

Die Züricher Verlobung (eftir sögu Barbara Noack) (DVD). - [S.l.] : Real-Film, 1957


©Kristín Björgvinsdóttir

Síðast uppfært 22. 02. 2023